Vancouver Westside
Selling the Fastest
Looking at the statistics of detached home sales in Vancouver’s Westside always poses interesting questions about consumer intent. Detached homes in Vancouver Westside priced between $2M-$2.5M have the highest sales ratios in the region, averaging a combined sales ratio of 33%. This similarly reflects how July’s statistics on the number of bedrooms in homes shows a lack of sales for houses with 2 bedrooms or less, but sales of Vancouver Westside houses with 3 or more bedrooms continue. Detached homes in South Granville and single-family homes in Dunbar neighbourhoods sold particularly well during this time period.
Vancouver Eastside
Homes are Most Popular
Detached homes in Vancouver Eastside have sold more than in the Westside in July – even with the difference in inventory levels. The hottest neighbourhood for detached home sales was Fraser, boasting a 24% sales ratio. The Fraser neighbourhood also accounted for the most home sales in this month. Knight’s single family home sales came in at a close second.
Finally, Vancouver Eastside homes priced between $1.25M-$1.75M sold the most, making up 52% of July’s total sales!
Get more Insight on Which Houses Sold (and did not) in Vancouver Last Month
Contact Ken & Samantha for a more detailed report on Vancouver real estate movement in July 2022. We’d love to explore great opportunities with you.